Seeladora - Social Service Agency CRM



What began as a simple way for social work agencies to share information with their city, turned into a full featured, multi-module application that allowed community agencies to securely share data and see deeper into case histories for improved outcomes and permanent change in the lives of the needy.

Client Seeladora
Team Greg Strange, Jack Browne,
Allison Whitlock
Metrics 47 agencies in North America 250,000+ Social Work Cases 15,000 monthly active users 27,000 seasonally active users 1,684 tons of food distributed $3.7 million distributed

01. The Challenge

Every year, thousands of people need short-term and long-term help in overcoming life's difficulties. Social service agencies step in to provide access to basic needs and work with the needy to find long-term solutions to the challenges many people face, often through no fault of their own.

However, no single agency can provide everything for everyone. Social service agencies often specialize in one or two services. Because grants tend to be given to hyper-focused agencies with a narrow mandate, they are often unable to financially or physically provide ancillary services. Services that might help aid seekers even more by providing a firmer foundation to address all the secondary effects of poverty, joblessness, or homelessness.

02. The Solution

Think Build Push first created a simple online application that would allow aid seekers to fill out their application for aid online, using just their phone. This simple application helped people who were on the edge of falling into deeper poverty but who still had a job. Or aid seekers who were physically incapable of showing up in person to the aid agency due to disability or lack of transportation access. Unable to take time off work to come into a social service agency, aid seekers could now apply and get feedback from social workers on the status of their application and instructions for how to get their badly needed aid.

With the increase in applications, it soon became obvious that more tools would be needed just to manage the application flow as well as tracking and reporting for continued grants and funding. Eventually, Think Build Push helped create 8 modules in addition to basic social service tracking to manage every aspect of giving aid.

  • Food pantry management including checkout and inventory
  • Learning management for job training, parenting and budgeting classes among others
  • Lobby check in and appointment settings
  • Donor management
  • Homeless shelter management
  • Event management such as back to school and health fairs with aid tracking and distribution caps
  • Custom, dynamic reporting module to fulfill grantor requirements and track distribution across programs
  • Drag and drop forms and surveys tied directly to aid activity

All modules worked together seamlessly so that a social worker could see everything at a glance that the aid seeker was receiving and gain deeper insights. As Seeladora grew, Seeladora agencies in a region could share information with other agencies securely, each being able to see what the aid seeker was getting from other agencies. This led to many improvements for aid seekers as agencies were able to coordinate and find more aid from other agencies that they may have never worked with before. Suddenly, aid seekers that were getting food assistance from one agency, job training form another but struggled to find help with housing assistance would be introduced to a third agency, all working together to make sure that the aid seeker was getting everything they needed which reduced backsliding and patchy care. Whole families were getting the help they needed at the same time and improving their futures with sustainable and effective care.

03. The Result

More people got the care they needed that was cheaper for the agencies to provide in the long term because they saw the same aid seekers less and less as more effective and timely aid took root in their lives. Because smaller agencies were now able to track their activity accurately and prove their efforts more easily, they could provide more services with less overhead and cheaper all while helping more people and gaining more funding.

We were able to open a food pantry, start a learning program and provide psychiatric and family counseling because Seeladora gave us insight into our successes in a way that helped us replicate them across service areas with less waste and inefficiency. Without Think Build Push making this incredible software, we'd still be handing out food in our parking lot twice a month with no tracking, no reporting and fewer people getting the kind of support that helps lift them out of poverty and return to a full life.
Christine Hockin-Boyd
Executive Director, Community Lifeline Center
  • Application Design
  • Architecture
  • UI/UX design
  • Application Management
  • Market Research